Using the dual trace feature on the oscilloscope capture the full pattern of the H-CAN and L-CAN. Identify which wire is the H-CAN and which is for the L-CAN
Blue wire is for H CAN
Yellow wire is for L-CAN
Black wire is earth
On Board CAN system
On your capture also identify were the data pattern start and finishes
with red highlight the data pattern starts and with blue highlight finish.
Right indicator
Lift indicator
Rear Wiper
Fuel pump
Revers light
These pictures are shown patterns which is individual for every load. like right indicator, left indicator, rear wiper, stoplight, fuel pump and revers light.In these picture above the both channels means mirror of each
this board is kind of CAN nod and network, which these node have with I/O circuit and also have CAN contrroler and a line driver which interfaces the CAN L and CAN H different current to the controlling.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
2.0 Scan Tool Obervations
2.2 which scan tool are you using? Quackscan.
2.2 What different functions are available on the scan tool to examine the CAN system? EHC/ EH2 Electrical high. manual Scan
2.3 List the different system that are controlled by CAN?
EHC/EHC2 electrical ride highest level (fast)
ABS stability control (fast)
EDC Electrical Damper Control (fast)
SRS air bag (slow)
2KE body electrical slow
IHKR Heater/Air condition (slow)
IkE Instrument Cluster (slow)
Steering angle sensor (slow)
DME/DDE motor and petrol (slow)
EMC (fast)
EGC (fast)
EWS vehicle immobilizer (slow)
CR Crous conrol (slow)
2.2 What different functions are available on the scan tool to examine the CAN system? EHC/ EH2 Electrical high. manual Scan
2.3 List the different system that are controlled by CAN?
EHC/EHC2 electrical ride highest level (fast)
ABS stability control (fast)
EDC Electrical Damper Control (fast)
SRS air bag (slow)
2KE body electrical slow
IHKR Heater/Air condition (slow)
IkE Instrument Cluster (slow)
Steering angle sensor (slow)
DME/DDE motor and petrol (slow)
EMC (fast)
EGC (fast)
EWS vehicle immobilizer (slow)
CR Crous conrol (slow)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Shift Chart 4L60-E
Use the following Holden shift chart for questions below.
Shift Solenoid
Which solenoids are "on" when this vehicle is shifted into Drive and start out in first gear?
1st-2nd and 2nd- 3rd gear
Which solenoids are "on" when this vehicle automatically shifts into second gear?
2nd and 3rd gear
Which solenoids are "on" when this vehicle automatically shifts into third gear?
None both solenoid off
Which solenoids are "on" when this vehicle automatically shifts into fourth gear?
1st and 2nd
Shift Solenoid Malfunction: Describe what would happen if none of the solenoids came "on" would the vehicle drive? What gear would it be in? How fast could the vehicle go? Could it have the power to climb a hill?
If all the solenoids were off then the only available gear on the vehicle could be 3rd gear to be used . this because the 3rd gear does not need any solenoid to be "on" therefore the vehicle slow during the initial start and can be use 3rd gear. the drive up the hill only the vhicle is on uning start
Shift Solenoid
Which solenoids are "on" when this vehicle is shifted into Drive and start out in first gear?
1st-2nd and 2nd- 3rd gear
Which solenoids are "on" when this vehicle automatically shifts into second gear?
2nd and 3rd gear
Which solenoids are "on" when this vehicle automatically shifts into third gear?
None both solenoid off
Which solenoids are "on" when this vehicle automatically shifts into fourth gear?
1st and 2nd
Shift Solenoid Malfunction: Describe what would happen if none of the solenoids came "on" would the vehicle drive? What gear would it be in? How fast could the vehicle go? Could it have the power to climb a hill?
If all the solenoids were off then the only available gear on the vehicle could be 3rd gear to be used . this because the 3rd gear does not need any solenoid to be "on" therefore the vehicle slow during the initial start and can be use 3rd gear. the drive up the hill only the vhicle is on uning start
Wiring Diagram
Now you have identified all the appropriate inputs and outputs , sketch a wiring diagram to include all of these components , note include all fuses and power and grounds.
Block Diagram
Obtain the appropriate workshop manual or identify all the sensor and actuators for the vehicle you are working on and fill in the following Block diagram.
Electronic transmission and Scan Tools
Before we began this lesson lets start with some terminology .
Note: these abbreviations are from the GM work shop manual but are fairly common for most makes and models.Describe what they mean below.
PCM= Power Control Module
TCC= Torque Converter Clutch
TPS = Throttle Position Sensor
ECT = Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
VSS = Vehicle Speed Sensor
RSA = Transmission Range Fluid Pressure Switch Assembly
TTS = Transmission Temperature Sensor
Note: these abbreviations are from the GM work shop manual but are fairly common for most makes and models.Describe what they mean below.
PCM= Power Control Module
TCC= Torque Converter Clutch
TPS = Throttle Position Sensor
ECT = Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor
VSS = Vehicle Speed Sensor
RSA = Transmission Range Fluid Pressure Switch Assembly
TTS = Transmission Temperature Sensor
Using a Scan Tool
Using a scan tool go to the ABS live data screen and note all the sensors, data and what it is telling you.
All the data record on the picture
If we using the scan tool for testing wheel speed sensor, the scan tool gave us the current data read out speed sensor reading KM/h.
The car was Honda Accord 2006 with OBD2 system . we used the scan tool and spun the wheel and got these data.
Using the scan tool on the vehicle you have been assigned to. Go to the actuator test screen.
Note below what component you have tested and what happened when you tested that component and the test results.
These are the actuators condition which are shows on the scan tool and the result shows that are good conditions.
All the data record on the picture
If we using the scan tool for testing wheel speed sensor, the scan tool gave us the current data read out speed sensor reading KM/h.
The car was Honda Accord 2006 with OBD2 system . we used the scan tool and spun the wheel and got these data.
Using the scan tool on the vehicle you have been assigned to. Go to the actuator test screen.
Note below what component you have tested and what happened when you tested that component and the test results.
These are the actuators condition which are shows on the scan tool and the result shows that are good conditions.
Relay waveform
Explain with arrows what is happening in the waveform above.
According to the experimenter to switch "on" the relay the circuit must have certain amount of voltage in order to switch "on" the relay the switching circuit is 0v when there is no power passing through control circuit. As i switched the ABS "on" after 200ms the switch closes and voltage pass through circuit switch. There was also voltage drop for 10v at 50ms and there increased to 13v, this happened due to pump self test switching "on" and then "off".
According to the experimenter to switch "on" the relay the circuit must have certain amount of voltage in order to switch "on" the relay the switching circuit is 0v when there is no power passing through control circuit. As i switched the ABS "on" after 200ms the switch closes and voltage pass through circuit switch. There was also voltage drop for 10v at 50ms and there increased to 13v, this happened due to pump self test switching "on" and then "off".
ABs Pump Relay waveform
Capture a waveform that shows both the control circuit change when it turn on the relay and the power switching on the power t ABS pump Use oscilloscope with two channel to capture this pattern. You May have to carefully set the trigger to capture this. record the waveform below with the time and volts per division
CH 1= 5V per division and 1second per division
CH2= 5V per division and 1 second per devision
Explain with what is happing in the waveform above.
The relay switches after 1 second. and then the pump motor revived 12 volts supply in the switching circuit, which activating the pump.The the pump turned off 1.2 seconds and slowly reduce the voltage.
Observe what happening during the ABS Self Test when you first turn the key on. Watch the warning lights and observe power at the wires with the oscilloscope. Then discuses what happening in the ABS system during the self test.
As i turned the key on the warning comes up therefore it is doing self test and goes off, when every thing is clear the system relay switch is closes and voltage pases to the Motor pump relay and power at the motor jump to 12V and then after a few seconds switched off. and voltage at pump goes back to 0V. The lamp goes off indicated that every thing is fire with the ABS.
Great a fault in the system by slowing down a wheel speed sensor or safely out an inductive wheel speed sensor while you are applying the brake . As you are applying the brakes notice if the ABS pump turn on solenoids turn on, or if the hydrolic pressure changes in one of the brake circuit and shows up on the pressure gage. Discuss what is happening below.
To make the rotor slow down in manually i had to create friction against the rotor. I hold the rotor tight so it does not move when turned on the mac hen then i released that the pump did not do self test till slowly release the brake so the pump could do self test and goes up before locking the rotor.
Catch an oscilloscope pattern when an ABS solenoid has actuated. When is the pin and name of the solenoid how did do it?
The solenoid wires are: 1 Blue, 3 Grey, 5 Green , and 7 yellow. The solenoid operates as the relay is operated.
Draw the oscilloscope pattern below. Note the time and voltage per division.
CH 1= 5V per division and 1second per division
CH2= 5V per division and 1 second per devision
Explain with what is happing in the waveform above.
The relay switches after 1 second. and then the pump motor revived 12 volts supply in the switching circuit, which activating the pump.The the pump turned off 1.2 seconds and slowly reduce the voltage.
Observe what happening during the ABS Self Test when you first turn the key on. Watch the warning lights and observe power at the wires with the oscilloscope. Then discuses what happening in the ABS system during the self test.
As i turned the key on the warning comes up therefore it is doing self test and goes off, when every thing is clear the system relay switch is closes and voltage pases to the Motor pump relay and power at the motor jump to 12V and then after a few seconds switched off. and voltage at pump goes back to 0V. The lamp goes off indicated that every thing is fire with the ABS.
Great a fault in the system by slowing down a wheel speed sensor or safely out an inductive wheel speed sensor while you are applying the brake . As you are applying the brakes notice if the ABS pump turn on solenoids turn on, or if the hydrolic pressure changes in one of the brake circuit and shows up on the pressure gage. Discuss what is happening below.
To make the rotor slow down in manually i had to create friction against the rotor. I hold the rotor tight so it does not move when turned on the mac hen then i released that the pump did not do self test till slowly release the brake so the pump could do self test and goes up before locking the rotor.
Catch an oscilloscope pattern when an ABS solenoid has actuated. When is the pin and name of the solenoid how did do it?
The solenoid wires are: 1 Blue, 3 Grey, 5 Green , and 7 yellow. The solenoid operates as the relay is operated.
Draw the oscilloscope pattern below. Note the time and voltage per division.
ABS Wheel Speed Sensor (4825)
ABS Wheel Speed Sensors
The vehicle which i have been assigned it used an analogue type sensor.
This is an inductive type sensor, and this type use a small internal magnet and coil of wire to generate a signal to the Electronic Brake Module. A gear shaped tone wheel that rotates near the sensor on each wheel. As the tone wheel rotates, a small magnetic field fluctuates around the sensor and induces AC voltage into the internal coil windings. AC voltage is sent to the EBCM, which is interprets the voltage and frequency as a wheel speed signal input.
As toothed ring passes by the wheel speed sensor changes in the electromagnetic filed cause the wheel speed sensor to produce voltage signal it high/low toggle rather an analogue voltage like with a passive sensor.
Measure the air gap for each wheel sensor .
Front Right : 0.8mm
Front Left : 0.8mm
Rear Right : 0.6mm
Rear Left : 0.6mm
Using an oscilloscope connect it to a wheel sensor and record the pattern shown if the sensor is an analogue sensor then just connect then probe and spin the wheel.If the sensor is digital you will need to have the ignition on before you turn the whell.
these are analogue pattern.
The vehicle which i have been assigned it used an analogue type sensor.
This is an inductive type sensor, and this type use a small internal magnet and coil of wire to generate a signal to the Electronic Brake Module. A gear shaped tone wheel that rotates near the sensor on each wheel. As the tone wheel rotates, a small magnetic field fluctuates around the sensor and induces AC voltage into the internal coil windings. AC voltage is sent to the EBCM, which is interprets the voltage and frequency as a wheel speed signal input.
As toothed ring passes by the wheel speed sensor changes in the electromagnetic filed cause the wheel speed sensor to produce voltage signal it high/low toggle rather an analogue voltage like with a passive sensor.
Measure the air gap for each wheel sensor .

Front Right : 0.8mm
Front Left : 0.8mm
Rear Right : 0.6mm
Rear Left : 0.6mm
Using an oscilloscope connect it to a wheel sensor and record the pattern shown if the sensor is an analogue sensor then just connect then probe and spin the wheel.If the sensor is digital you will need to have the ignition on before you turn the whell.
these are analogue pattern.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
On vehicle testing ABS (4825)
Student Name: Moheb Ghazi
To safety lift and support a motor vehicle on a flat surface
Vehicle MAZDA Model
Ensure the Flor is clean and flat OK
Apply the parking brake slaking wheel nuts of wheels to be removed OK
Identify safe vehicle chassis member to left the vehicle using the jack.
Lift the jack util it touching the chassis.
release the parking brake to allow the vehicle to roll while lifting OK
Recheck the location of the jack before lifting the wheel off the ground. OK
Located axle stands in safe position on solid vehicle member OK
Have your tutor check before lowering the jack YES
To safely lower the vehicle to the ground after being supported on axle stand:
Ensure all wheels and nuts are located before removing vehicle stands OK
Lower the vehicle gently to the floor OK
Apply parking brake OK
Torque and check wheel nut tightness OK
Have your tutor check the vehicle YES
On - Car Exercises:
On the vehicle that you have been assigned identify the following components :
Wheel speed sensor;
ABS control unit
ABS modulator
Brake master cylinder
Brake fluid level switch if fitted
Foot brake switch
Brake booster
Main ABS control unit fuse
ABS pump motor
CAN _ Multiplexing Worksheet
1. I used twist paired from the ABS modulator.
The wires which are twisted every 20-30 mm to prevent capacitance , reduce EMF noise and the radio interference. The resistance , capacitance , length and resistance must remain the same or the signal will be different.
CAN type C Capable of high speed 226KBS-1MBS is used for important ECUs such as the ABS ECU,.
Power train controls and Emission controls. Not fault tolerant, should be 60 ohms Two 120 ohms resistance in parallel.
CAN type B is the slower more fault tolerant type is used for less important electric such as door lock and comport devices such as heater/air con. as long as one wire of the two wire has potential voltage difference from ground , bus should be able to operate.
CAN me be operate in one wire mode with voltage at 1.2 V.
I worked in 2003 Land Rover
1.3 Record the waveform of one of the wires :
Colour of Wire: Brown & Yellow
Time per division: 10 us
Voltage per division; 2V
1.4 Record the waveform of the other wire in the twisted pair
Colour of wire: Black / Yellow
Time per division: 10 us
Voltage per division: 1V
1.5 What is aliasing? Describe it.
Aliasing an effect where is the original signal can become undeniable. Also a distorted or noisy signal.
1.6 How do you know these waveforms are not aliasing?
These waveforms are not aliasing , because they are read able and we used the correct time division
.1.7 , 1.8 & 1.9 tuitions
The voltage an the main line of 1.3 v was 2.63V. When it was talking voltage become 2.3V. This is the high speed line.
The voltage on main line is 1.4V was 0.25V, when it was talking voltage become 0.18V.This is the low speed line.
One module talk t the other module.
1.9 Observe the signal in 1.3 and 1.4 above with a voltmeter. Compare it with DC volts or AC volts setting.
Which setting would tell you if the signal is switching . Explain.
The comprising between DC v and AC v tells the signal of switching which is illustrating "on" or "off".
Yellow/Brown DC v = 2.3v and AC v= 0.23
Yellow/Black DC v = 0.26-0.318 v and AC v = 0.005
According to the observation we found by using the voltmeter it does not tells the good reading compared to the scan tool.
The wires which are twisted every 20-30 mm to prevent capacitance , reduce EMF noise and the radio interference. The resistance , capacitance , length and resistance must remain the same or the signal will be different.
CAN type C Capable of high speed 226KBS-1MBS is used for important ECUs such as the ABS ECU,.
Power train controls and Emission controls. Not fault tolerant, should be 60 ohms Two 120 ohms resistance in parallel.
CAN type B is the slower more fault tolerant type is used for less important electric such as door lock and comport devices such as heater/air con. as long as one wire of the two wire has potential voltage difference from ground , bus should be able to operate.
CAN me be operate in one wire mode with voltage at 1.2 V.
I worked in 2003 Land Rover
1.3 Record the waveform of one of the wires :
Colour of Wire: Brown & Yellow
Time per division: 10 us
Voltage per division; 2V
1.4 Record the waveform of the other wire in the twisted pair
Colour of wire: Black / Yellow
Time per division: 10 us
Voltage per division: 1V
1.5 What is aliasing? Describe it.
Aliasing an effect where is the original signal can become undeniable. Also a distorted or noisy signal.
1.6 How do you know these waveforms are not aliasing?
These waveforms are not aliasing , because they are read able and we used the correct time division
.1.7 , 1.8 & 1.9 tuitions
The voltage an the main line of 1.3 v was 2.63V. When it was talking voltage become 2.3V. This is the high speed line.
The voltage on main line is 1.4V was 0.25V, when it was talking voltage become 0.18V.This is the low speed line.
One module talk t the other module.
1.9 Observe the signal in 1.3 and 1.4 above with a voltmeter. Compare it with DC volts or AC volts setting.
Which setting would tell you if the signal is switching . Explain.
The comprising between DC v and AC v tells the signal of switching which is illustrating "on" or "off".
Yellow/Brown DC v = 2.3v and AC v= 0.23
Yellow/Black DC v = 0.26-0.318 v and AC v = 0.005
According to the observation we found by using the voltmeter it does not tells the good reading compared to the scan tool.
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